St. Clement Creative

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Free downloadable Christmas Instagram story backgrounds

We love the festive season as much as the next reindeer, however it’s a fine line between a classy execution and Timmy going crazy with the cheap rainbow tinsel. That’s why we have created 10 free downloadable backgrounds for your instagram stories! Use the same background multiple times to craft your message or mix them into your videos and snaps from the day.

A few tips when using these backgrounds:

  • Remember less it more with stories. Keep each slide with one sentence max. Use the same background for a consistent approach

  • One or two fonts max

  • We would suggest to keep with white, black or dark grey text

  • Place the text within the negative space of the image

Love these backgrounds? Let us know on Instagram @stclementcreative.

Hold down and save image to your camera roll to start using them or download the zipped file below.